The Free Internet Cafe for the Blind & Visually Impaired, the first in the whole of Africa, which opens the World Wide Web, making The Gambia a leading light in Africa, with this technology by allowing free and total access to surf the net send and receive emails and for students to enhace their studies with the aid of this pioneering software. No more do they need to rely on a third party to read to them newspapers, magazines, books, letters and world wide information. - Using the mouse pointer in Thunder


Seeing people use the mouse for most tasks, but someone with little or no sight can’t point and click a handheld mouse. Instead, the screenreader drives the mouse pointer round the screen when you press the NUMERIC KEYPAD (NKP) keys.

You will have to use the mouse pointer when you need to set and go to markers and to access some challenging programs that don’t respond well to screenreaders.

Move the mouse pointer generally with the (NKP) KEYS to go to:

Top left corner of the screen: NKP7.

Bottom right corner: NKP3.

Top edge: CAPSLOCK NKP7.

Bottom edge: CAPSLOCK NKP3.

Left edge: CAPSLOCK NKP1.

Right edge: CAPSLOCK NKP9.

Up the screen: NKP8.

Down the screen: NKP2.

To the left: NKP4.

To the right: NKP6.


Left click: NKP5.

Double click: NKP5 twice.

Right click: NKP MINUS (the minus sign).

The Free Internet Cafe for the Blind & Visually Impaired, the first in the whole of Africa, which opens the World Wide Web, making The Gambia a leading light in Africa, with this technology by allowing free and total access to surf the net send and receive emails and for students to enhace their studies with the aid of this pioneering software. No more do they need to rely on a third party to read to them newspapers, magazines, books, letters and world wide information.