The Free Internet Cafe for the Blind & Visually Impaired, the first in the whole of Africa, which opens the World Wide Web, making The Gambia a leading light in Africa, with this technology by allowing free and total access to surf the net send and receive emails and for students to enhace their studies with the aid of this pioneering software. No more do they need to rely on a third party to read to them newspapers, magazines, books, letters and world wide information. - Internet Explorer - Thunder keystrokes


Browse webpages: PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN.

Form-filling: Find form and enter text END.

Go forward through forms: END.

Go backward through forms: HOME.

Go to Headlines: F7.

Links list: F10.

Move through links: TAB.

Refresh webpage: F5.

Search on the page: F2.

Search again on the page: F3.

You can also explore webpages with the numeric keypad keys and set markers at required points on a webpage.

The Free Internet Cafe for the Blind & Visually Impaired, the first in the whole of Africa, which opens the World Wide Web, making The Gambia a leading light in Africa, with this technology by allowing free and total access to surf the net send and receive emails and for students to enhace their studies with the aid of this pioneering software. No more do they need to rely on a third party to read to them newspapers, magazines, books, letters and world wide information.