The Free Internet Cafe for the Blind & Visually Impaired, the first in the whole of Africa, which opens the World Wide Web, making The Gambia a leading light in Africa, with this technology by allowing free and total access to surf the net send and receive emails and for students to enhace their studies with the aid of this pioneering software. No more do they need to rely on a third party to read to them newspapers, magazines, books, letters and world wide information. - Microsoft Outlook 2010 Keystrokes



CTRL 1: Switch to Mail.

CTRL 2: Switch to Calendar.

CTRL 3: Switch to Contacts.

CTRL 4: Switch to Tasks.

CTRL 5: Switch to Notes.

CTRL 6: Switch to Folder List in Navigation Pane.

CTRL 7: Switch to Shortcuts.

CTRL Full stop: Switch to next message.

CTRL COMMA: Switch to previous message.

CTRL SHIFT TAB or SHIFT TAB: Move between the Navigation Pane, the main Outlook window, the Reading Pane, and the To-Do Bar.

CTRL TAB: Move around message header lines in the Navigation Pane or an open message. Arrow keys Move around within the Navigation Pane.


CTRL Y: Go to a different folder.

F3 or CTRL E: Go to the Search box.

ALT UP ARROW or CTRL COMMA or ALT PAGE UP: In the Reading Pane, go to the previous message.

SPACEBAR: In the Reading Pane, page down through text.

SHIFT SPACEBAR: In the Reading Pane, page up through text.

ALT RIGHT ARROW: Go forward to next view in main Outlook window.

CTRL SHIFT I: Switch to Inbox.

CTRL SHIFT O: Switch to Outbox.

CTRL K: Check names.

ALT S: Send.

CTRL R: Reply to a message.

CTRL SHIFT R: Reply all to a message.

CTRL ALT R: Reply with meeting request.

CTRL F: Forward a message.

CTRL ALT J: Mark a message as not junk.

CTRL SHIFT I: Display blocked external content (in a message).

CTRL SHIFT S: Post to a folder.

CTRL SHIFT N: Apply Normal style.

CTRL M or F9: Check for new messages.

UP ARROW: Go to the previous message.

DOWN ARROW: Go to the next message.

CTRL N: Create a message when in Mail.

CTRL SHIFT M: Create a message from any Outlook view.

CTRL O: Open a received message.

CTRL SHIFT D: Delete and Ignore a Conversation.

CTRL SHIFT B: Open the Address Book.

INSERT: Add a Quick Flag to an unopened message.

CTRL SHIFT G: Display the Flag for Follow Up dialog box.

CTRL Q: Mark as read.

CTRL U: Mark as unread.

CTRL SHIFT W: pen the Mail Tip in the selected message.

ALT ENTER: Show the properties for the selected item.

CTRL SHIFT U: Create a multimedia message.

CTRL SHIFT T: Create a text message.

CTRL ALT M: Mark for Download.

CTRL ALT U: Clear Mark for Download.

F9: Send and Receive.

CTRL B when a Send/Receive is in progress: Display Send/Receive progress.

CTRL SHIFT D: Dial a new call.

F3 or CTRL E: Find a contact or other item - Search.

F11: Enter a name in the Search Address Books box.

SHIFT letter: In Table or List view of contacts, go to first contact that starts with a specific letter.

F5: Update a list of distribution list members.

CTRL Y: Go to a different folder.

CTRL SHIFT B: Open the Address Book.

CTRL SHIFT F: Use Advanced Find.

CTRL SHIFT Full Stop: In an open contact, open the next contact listed.

F11: Find a contact.

ESCAPE: Close a contact.

CTRL SHIFT X: Send a fax to the selected contact.

CTRL N: Create a new appointment when in Calendar.

CTRL SHIFT A: Create a new appointment in any Outlook view.

CTRL SHIFT Q: Create a new meeting request.

CTRL F: Forward an appointment or meeting.

CTRL R: Reply to a meeting request with a message.

CTRL SHIFT R: Reply All to a meeting request with a message.

ALT 0: Show 10 days in the calendar.

ALT 1: Show 1 day in the calendar.

ALT 2: Show 2 days in the calendar.

ALT 3: Show 3 days in the calendar.

ALT 4: Show 4 days in the calendar.

ALT 5: Show 5 days in the calendar.

ALT 6: Show 6 days in the calendar.

ALT 7: Show 7 days in the calendar.

ALT 8: Show 8 days in the calendar.

ALT 9: Show 9 days in the calendar.

CTRL G: Go to a date.

ALT: or CTRL ALT 4: Switch to Month view.

CTRL RIGHT ARROW: Go to the next day.

ALT DOWN ARROW: Go to the next week.

ALT PAGE DOWN: Go to the next month.

CTRL LEFT ARROW: Go to the previous day.

ALT UP ARROW: Go to the previous week.

ALT PAGE UP: Go to the previous month.

ALT HOME: Go to the start of the week.

ALT END: Go to the end of the week.

ALT MINUS SIGN or CTRL ALT 3: Switch to Full Week view.

CTRL A: Select all contacts.

CTRL F: Create a message with selected contact as subject.

CTRL J: Create a Journal entry for the selected contact.

CTRL N: Create a new contact, when in Contacts.

CTRL SHIFT C: Create a new contact, from any Outlook view.

CTRL O: Open a contact form for the selected contact.

CTRL SHIFT L: Create a distribution list.

CTRL P: Print.

CTRL ALT 2: Switch to Work Week view.

CTRL COMMA or CTRL SHIFT COMMA: Go to previous appointment.

CTRL Full Stop or CTRL SHIFT Full Stop : Go to next appointment.

CTRL E: Find a message or other item.

ESCAPE: Clear the search results.

CTRL ALT A: Expand the search to include All Mail Items, All Calendar Items, or All Contact Items, depending on the module you are in.

CTRL SHIFT F: Use Advanced Find.

CTRL SHIFT P: Create a new Search Folder.

F4: Search for text within an open item.

CTRL H: Find and replace text, symbols, or some formatting commands. Works in the Reading Pane on an open item.

CTRL ALT K: Expand search to include items from the current folder.

CTRL ALT Z: Expand search to include subfolders. 

The Free Internet Cafe for the Blind & Visually Impaired, the first in the whole of Africa, which opens the World Wide Web, making The Gambia a leading light in Africa, with this technology by allowing free and total access to surf the net send and receive emails and for students to enhace their studies with the aid of this pioneering software. No more do they need to rely on a third party to read to them newspapers, magazines, books, letters and world wide information.